Haven't written here for quite a while. I snapped a photo today, and had an idea for something I’d be more interested in reading than writing. It's phrased as an API prompt. Write a children’s story for adults, about a bunch of books in a town's mini-library box. All the books are unwanted cast-offs, and they all want to have someone take them in and read them, and hopefully keep them, much as a child in an orphanage wants to be adopted. All the books are anthropomorphized, and have ongoing conversations with each other, as humans do. All the books talk to each other in the same voice as their authors. So, one book is by Dan Brown. Whatever that book says as dialog reads like a sentence in a Dan Brown novel. Another book is a romance novel by Danielle Steel. One book is Class, Race, and Gender , by Michael Zweig. One book is about how to get teams at work to better collaborate. One book is a volume of cute poems about cats. One is by a Portuguese novelist who won the Nobel ...
Thoughts on grief and traumatic loss